Cheatham Memorial Communication Plan
- Church Calendar and bulletin: Karen’s calendar is the only official church calendar. All items going into the calendar or bulletin must get to Karen’s desk or computer. Please give her all items in writing, text or email and never a verbal request.
- Group Text: Group Texts go through David’s phone. Text David to get announcements out. This is for information only.
- Facebook: Church Facebook items can be entered by any member in a post! One of the administrators has to approve it before it gets posted though. Please don’t post prayer requests or anything with anyone’s personal or medical information on social media.
- Church Website: All items for the website can be sent to the office, Karen, David or Ine.
- Prayer Requests: Prayer requests can be sent to David, Karen or Judi for email distribution and group text only.
- Prayer Requests For the Unplugged: Contact the church office, David or Karen to activate the telephone prayer chain which will contact our members that don’t do the computer.
- Local News: KMOO Radio 2065 US-69, Mineola, TX 75773, (903) 569-1999, , Grand Saline Sun-Vy Malcik, , Van Zandter and other Canton Papers,, News Editor Britne Hammons, 903-567- 4000,
- Edgewood ISD: Kristin Prater-kprater@edgewood-, is our contact at Edgewood ISD for backpacks and general information. Edgewood ISD Administration . 804 E. Pine, Edgewood, TX 75117, Phone: (903) 896-4332, Fax: (903) 896-4306
- Outreach projects: Questions or volunteer information for all outreach, community lunch,, “Shoe boxes”, Backpacks etc., go through Judi
- Photos: Please email photos to the church office from our events for our archives to the church website
Contact Information:
Pastor David-cell 951-768-1247,
Karen Grell-office, 903-896- 4935,
Judi Yarbrough-903- 603-8145,
Ine Burke,